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How to check status of Bitlocker encryption on a client on Windows 10 - Knowledgebase / Windows - EOAS Help Desk

How to check status of Bitlocker encryption on a client on Windows 10

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The following instructions outline two methods you can use to check if your Windows-based operating system is encrypted with Bitlocker. Following the Primary Method, there is an Alternate Method that some people may find easier. If you feel your Windows-based computer is not encrypted, please contact the EOAS IT Help Desk at

Primary Method

1. Click on the Start button on the bottom left of your Windows desktop (Windows 7 in the screenshot).

2. Click "Bitlocker Drive Encryption" from the icons.

3. Under Bitlocker Drive Encryption - Hard Disk Drives you will see "Windows (C:) On" if your drive is encrypted.


Alternate Method

The following alternative method will also work, but requires intermediate technical skills to complete.

1. Open Windows PowerShell. Click the Windows start button, type in PowerShell.

2. At the PowerShell command prompt, enter the following command and click Enter: manage-bde-statusc:

3. You should see something like the following output, if your Windows-hard drive (in this case C: drive), is encrypted.

Bitlocker encryption status Powershell


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