Changes to your Adobe subscription – ACTION REQUIRED
New Update Adobe Software Licensing FAQ | UBC Information Technology
Adobe Products | UBC Information Technology
Adobe Reader remains free and supports opening, signing and adding notation to PDFs. Full details on the product version tools are found here
Beginning June 19 at 6:00pm PST, access to your current Adobe license(s) will expire. If you require access to Adobe Acrobat Pro or Adobe Creative Cloud after this time, you will need to renew your license in the UBC Software Portal (hxxps:// starting June 20 at 6:00am PST. (Replace hxxps: with https: when copying and pasting into a browser).
IMPORTANT: Your Adobe files will continue to be available to you through your registration once you renew. If you need access to your files but are not planning to renew, or will not be renewing immediately, please save all your Adobe files to your local device before 6:00pm (PST) on June 19.
As part of the updated subscription process, you will be asked for payment information for cost recoveries. We advise you to reach out to your Department Head or Manager regarding approval for associated licensing costs and to provide the following information:
1. Cost Centre: Provided by your Finance Representative or Manager
2. Worktag: Provided by your Finance Representative or Manager
3. Billing Address: 2329 West Mall, Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4