Dear Colleagues, I am emailing you to announcement that the Department of Earth, Ocean and Atmospheric Sciences now offers a file synchronization and sharing platform called ownCloud. Many of you are familiar with ownCloud and possibly have your own server or use ownCloud somewhere else. The widespread demand for ownCloud, coupled with the challenges of using UBC's Workspace solution has prompted me to offer a service for everyone in the department that is managed by EOAS IT. If you have your own server running ownCloud this will not affect your server, however you may want to discuss a migration to this server. To access the department's ownCloud server you need to migrate your email account as per the announcement made earlier this week (referenced at Once you have your EOAS user name and password and have completed the migration process, you can access ownCloud at This service is a direct response to requests made by you, our user community. Over the next few days additional information will be posted on our knowledge base web site with steps to install the ownCloud desktop client on Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems. If you have any questions or concerns about this service, please contact us at or email me directly at Thank you, Tom Yerex. "Wax on, wax off." ~ Pat Morita as Mr. Miyagi in The Karate Kid (1984)